Jumat, 25 Februari 2011

Sex Desire Behind Red Wine Enjoyment

Rifanews.Various ways done to give the spirit in sexual intercourse as husband and wife. Food or drinks can indeed be a factor triggering a person's sexual desire.
This time it came from red wine is touted as a beverage plant female sexual arousal.
A study by the University of Florence in Italy suggested that the woman who likes to drink red angggur really enjoy their sexual life.
Using the method of Female Sexual Function Index - used by doctors to assess the sexual health and women - experts from the university that gave questions to 800 women aged 18-50.
The assessment is determined by factors of sexual arousal, orgasm, satisfaction and pain with range of values between 2 and 36, the highest score means a better sex life.
As a result, overall, women who drank two glasses of red wine a day to collect an average rating of 27.3. While women who drank only one glass of red wine a day on average 25.9 points, better than women drinkers who do not reach the value 24.4.
As quoted by the Telegraph, the author of the study, Dr Nicola Mondaini said that, historically, aspects of wine and sex life has been known since the days of Ancient Greece.
"But the field of female sexual dysfunction is still not traced so far," explained Nicola.
In that study also found that older women enjoy a good sex life. The results have been published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine,
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