Minggu, 27 Februari 2011

History Tours in Bali

Who does not know Bali, natural beauty and culture of its people has made the island of gods is so universal as a tourist paradise. But apparently a tourist attraction of Bali as a place of pleasure not only in natural beauty alone. Bali has an interesting historical attractions explored.

Bali People Struggle Monument (MPRB), for example. This monument was built to commemorate the services of fighters against colonialism. The building that was inaugurated in 2003 is located in front of the Governor's Office.

MPRB also presents diorama depicting the life of the Balinese. Starting from the Prehistoric Period, The Ancient Bali, Bali The Middle and The Struggle for Independence.

The tour will be more interesting history by visiting the Museum of Bali. Cultural objects from prehistoric times until now presented here. The collection consists of objects can diliat arkeologika, ethnografika historika, and fine arts.

The success of Bali as a world tourist destination is also interesting to follow. To find out trip to Bali dubbed the most beautiful island in the world can be traced to a visit to the Museum Le Mayeur, located in Sanur Beach.
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