Rabu, 23 Februari 2011

apply for a job, Password up So Terms

Rifanews. Maryland - Now the company began to examine the prospective employee's Facebook profile. Companies want to see the background and their properties. Even passwords up a requirement applicants?

In the United States (U.S.), the prospective employee must provide the password on the candidate faceboook their workplace. Applicants Robert Collins did not receive and complained to the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).

Then, the ACLU sent protest at the Maryland Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services, where Collins applying for work. ACLU assess the policy was very scary and is an illegal invasion to the privacy of applicants.

Collins is actually an old worker in the department, and he felt angry about that. Collins admitted during the four-month absence because of illness and he must re-apply. One of the conditions he must meet is to give up his password and username.

Not only Collins, it turns out all candidates who applied were required to do the same. This action is considered excessive and violate privacy. As quoted by CNET, "This is a total invasion of privacy and very exaggerated," said Collins, who claimed his boss did not want to access your Facebook

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