Rabu, 26 Mei 2010

In order for Body Immune Virus

Immunisation is usually synonymous with children under age five years (toddlers). However, it does not mean immunization does not apply to adults. In fact, immunization of adults is not as important as immunization in children.
It seems like children, adults also need immunizations. "This is to stimulate the body's resistance against certain infections," said Sukamto Koesnoe, Internal Medicine Specialist Doctors Allergy Immunology from Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM). Sukamto said, many adults are now susceptible exposed to viruses and bacteria that can cause disease. The trigger could be due to the crowded bustle plus an unhealthy lifestyle.
Now, to prevent these diseases, even adults need to do immunizations. Hence, many developed countries to make immunization for adults as a routine program in health.
United States, for example, this year launched a 60 percent influenza vaccination in adults. Meanwhile, South Korea to provide 10 million influenza vaccine every year. In fact, 90 percent of medical officers there have been injected with the vaccine. In Australia, this activity has also been a government program. So also in several other states, like New Zealand, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore.
In Indonesia, the importance of immunizations for adults has not been popular. "Because it was new," said Sukamto. Understandably, in Indonesia, a new immunization for adults was introduced in the 2000s. Because they are new, medical suppliers for adult immunization is still lacking.
In addition, not all hospitals can provide this service. "We can provide service only certain hospitals in big cities," said Sukamto.
In addition, the cost of adult immunizations are also considered expensive, can reach millions of rupiah, depending on the type of vaccine. It's known, adult immunization did not get government subsidies, such as immunization in children.
Naturally, many adults are lazy to do immunizations. In addition, socialization is still minimal. Many people are also less aware that childhood immunization does not guarantee permanent immunity into adulthood. "In fact, vaccines work decreases as you age," said Sukamto. Therefore, immunization should be repeated as an adult.
In the medical world, immunization re-referred to as booster. Through the booster was reminded again of the body against germs such. "Immunization is an effective primary prevention," said Sukamto.
Although effective does not mean adults who have been immunized will not be sick. However, secured his endurance is stronger than who are not immunized.
Keep in mind, everyone does have an immune system or the innate immune system. However, less healthy lifestyles can weaken the immune system. That's when the body easily attacked by the disease.
According Asrul Hasral, Internal Medicine Specialist Doctors Dharmais Cancer Hospital, immunizations for adults is extremely important. Section, different types of diseases suffered by young children.
Adult immunizations can be given to those aged over 12 years. Kind, including influenza immunization, pneumococcal, measles, mumps, rubella or (MMR), Lifter, pertussis, tetanus (DPT), DT difter immunization, and tetanus (DT).
These vaccines can be given repeatedly, between 3 and 10 years. However, there are also vaccines that do not have to be repeated as an adult. For example, hepatitis A and B vaccine be conducted once in a lifetime.

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Kamis, 20 Mei 2010

Practical Ways Dandruff Control

Dandruff hair was annoying because apart from making hair look dull and dirty too often makes a person is so insecure. Dandruff is easy to bother eradicated but that does not mean you can not have hair free of dandruff. Here are his tips.
1. As much as possible is recommended for you to wash it every day. By washing your hair every day will prevent the accumulation of dead skin cells on the scalp.
2. Finished washing my hair when the hair with cold water instead of warm water. Rinse with cold water closes the pores of the scalp and makes hair cuticle closed so as to become slippery. This will facilitate the heads of dead skin cells to shed and was not trapped in the scalp.
3. You may use anti-dandruff shampoo, but snacks with regular shampoo, so you avoid a buildup of chemicals that tend to that available on anti-dandruff shampoo, where these substances can cause hair becomes dry and dull.
4. Use a vinegar solution. Vinegar will neutralize the acid content of the PH levels in the scalp. Also, the acid content of vinegar will kill the microorganisms cause of dandruff. Also if your dandruff is caused by bath water is too cold mineral content is able to neutralize the vinegar.
Here's how to make vinegar solution Dissolve one part vinegar to eight parts water. Place this solution in a spray bottle and spray all parts of the head after you rinse with shampoo. This solution should not be rinsed again with water. Dry hair as usual. Use as needed, and it is recommended to not use more than once a week

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The benefits of red tea from the flowers of roselle

There are many benefits that can be obtained from the red rosella flowers. Usually the presentation is often done is dried and brewed into a cup of tea. It felt himself a little sour-sour.
Rosella flower itself contains 260-280 mg of vitamin C, vitamin D, B1 and B2 in each 100 gram. Roselle tea itself contains calcium which is so high around 486 mg / 100 gr. It also contains Magnesium, Omega 3, Vitamin A, Iron, Potassium, Beta Caroteen & Acid Essential. See its contents alone was seen as a big benefit to be gained.

I used to own a little lazy roselle tea. More like coffee. But after the family much to drink. Finally I looked for information about the properties of red roselle. The following information and benefit from this interest:
* The first benefit is to increase stamina and endurance* Interest is the detoxification of roselle (neutralize poison)* Lowers blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol, uric acid and body

* With roselle tea drinking can also overcome cough, canker sores and sore throat.* Able to reduce migrane headache. 
* Red Rosella can smooth the skin and reduce keriputan.* Make a slender body being able to lose weight. It would have been useful to you ladies. And enough of this tea alone.* Especially for children because of roselle flowers contain OMEGA3, it can spur the growth of DHA.* Incredibly red rosella flowers can also help the addict. Eg smokers could reduce the negative impact of nicotine. Or beneficial to reduce dependence on drugs* And many more other benefits can be gained from this red tea.
In countries with a drink of roselle flowers Sudanese nationality. And many countries that masyaraktnya already feel the benefits of good red roselle were made into tea or other beverages.

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Want Foot Smooth ?

You lovers of short skirts? Sure to PD in miniskirts, must be supported by a pair of legs smooth and beautiful. To perform maintenance in order to get beautiful legs did not need to laboriously expensive dermatologist or beauty salon. Nurturing your home, some of the tips below can help you.
Let's start this beauty regime! 

1. Every time the shower, Rub your legs from thigh to calf by using a body brush (a special brush for the bath) to remove dead skin cells.
2. For the stains are stubborn scars, once a week do the scrubbing. Try to eliminate them with a homemade scrub potion. The trick is as follows:
* Combine sea salt (can be bought in stores or pharmacy kometik) with olive oil.
* Rub all over your leg, especially on the blackened
* Clean with warm water, using a clean towel.
3. If you do the shaving regularly, sometimes often feel sore afterwards due to minor scratches from the razor. To fix this, try using a face toner that you normally use. Then after every shave, splash of toner on your feet. And do not forget, before the toner save it in the fridge, so that the sensation of cold can be 'cool' your legs are 'hot' because of razor burn.
4. As falsifies, use a hand & body lotion. Choose which contain AHA to prevent 'in grown hair' or ingrown hair

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Nutritious crops for Dental Health

Many nutritious crops for dental health. Distinctive flavor of the cloves for example, making these plants are often exploited. Besides pimento, there are a number of other plants that have similar properties.
Cloves have antiseptica properties (antikuman), carminativa (peluruh wind), rubefaciencia (heats the skin), antispasmodica (eliminating seizures), and analgesics (starch flavor). Therefore these plants can be used to cure a toothache. In addition to menstrual pain can also, rheumatism / stiff, cold / nausea, hoarse voice (husky), and colds.
Likewise with the betel. Plants that originated in India, Sri Lanka, and Malaysia has been known since the year 600 BC. In the leaves which broad oval, elliptical melonjong, or melonjong ovate with heart-shaped base and pointed tip This short, contained the essential oil that can evaporate. Among the largest and betlephenol chavicol. Distinctive aroma from the leaves and oil it's because the content of betel chavicol earlier. This compound has a strong antiseptic power and the power to kill bacteria could be up to five times folding of ordinary phenol.
Leaves from 6 to 17.5 cm and a length of 3.5 to 10 cm width also contain allylrocatechol, cineole, caryophyllene, menthone, eugenol, and methyl ether. In fact, it contains vitamin C and alkaloids arakene the same properties with cocaine.
Several scientific papers also mention, diastase enzyme containing betel leaf, sugar, and tannin. However, young leaves contain diastase, sugar, and more volatile oil than the old, while the tannins are relatively similar.
Compounds that make the betel leaves are not yet able to reduce thrush tracked. To be sure, in some ancient books of India and Greece, as quoted Dervish SN, mentioned that the leaf is the main ingredient menginang has styptic properties (resist bleeding), vulnerary (heal skin lesions), stomachic (digestive tract drugs), strengthens teeth, and throat clearing.
Here are some other concoction reliever tooth disorders compiled from various sources: 

A. Turmeric  

Potion 1 Set up a turmeric rhizome and eucalyptus oil to taste. After Turmeric is washed out, and then peeled. Soak briefly in the oil timber white, and stick in a hollow tooth. Repeat until all ill subsided.
Potion 2 Prepare 10 grams of turmeric, lemon grass leaves and roots respectively 50 and 25 gr, salt to taste. After all the material is washed and turmeric cut into pieces, boiled with half a liter of water. Leave until the water into a glass. Drinking to three times daily.
Potion 3 Prepare the saffron 10 grams, 50 grams meniran leaf, areca nut and a half seeds, salt to taste. After all ingredients except salt washed, mashed until smooth. Do not forget the salt. Brewed with hot water as much as one glass, then strain. When it was warm, use it to gargle. Perform three times a day.
B. Coconut oil Prepare the coconut oil as much as a teaspoon. Soak a pinch of cotton in the oil, and heat over low heat for approximately 2-3 minutes. After a little warm, stick with cotton on the part of the tooth holes. 

C. Cloves  

Prepare beans as much as a handheld clove. Once roasted, mashed fine to be a powder. Then, sprinkle on a sore tooth. Perform until the pain subsided.

D. Tree Sap Cambodia  
Prepare a frangipani tree sap in moderation, can be taken from the petiole. Squirt in the hollow teeth or swollen gums. Do be careful, do not be affected teeth healthy. Please be careful, because frangipani sap can damage healthy teeth.

E. Seed Acid 

 Prepare a half-ounce tamarind seeds. Then roasted (fried without oil) until charred. Once burned, finely crushed into powder. Rub it on the tooth powder, black or yellow. Repeat until there is a change in your favor. *** (10/03 / '03 / ut3)

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betel leaf

Traditional dental health is closely related to betel leaves for the Indonesian people certainly know if it has a lot of betel leaf properties especially in the field of dental and oral health. Betel leaf for dental benefits is no doubt, and until now grandparents still use to clean the teeth of betel leaves (this is my experience kampong hehehe, maybe when my grandmother and grandfather modern betel leaf was not using anymore). Some areas use betel leaf as a means of ritual, and of course a betel leaf is a medicinal plant which is very popular.

Description of plants  
These vines can reach 15 m high Betel stem greenish brown, round, segmented and is home to root out. Heart-shaped leaves are a single, pointed, growing alternately, stemmed, and issuing a bad odor when crushed. Length is about 5-8 cm and width 2-5 cm. The flowers have a plural form of grains and leaves the protective ± 1 mm elliptical. In the male grain length is about 1.5 - 3 cm and there are two short stamens being on female grain length is about 1.5 to 6 cm where there is the stigma of three to five pieces of white and yellowish green. Buni fruit fruit, round grayish green. Roots heels, round and yellowish brown.Ingredients and benefits 
Essential oil of betel leaf oil contains fly (betIephenol), sesquiterpenes, starch, diatase, sugar and leather and chavicol substances that have a deadly germs, antioksidasi and fungicides, anti-fungal. Betel nutritious eliminate body odor caused by bacteria and fungi. Betel leaf is also holding the bleeding, heal the wounds of the skin, and gastrointestinal disorders. It also is furrowed, remove phlegm, saliva shed, hemostatic, and stop the bleeding.

Cough Sprue Bronchitis Pimple Whitish Toothache due to holes (leaves) Scarlet fever Bad breath Irregular menstruation Asthma Sore throat (leaf and oil) Swollen gum (sap)

Overseas Use
Eczema Burn Scabby (pyodermi) Mange ft Ulcer Nosebleed Sore eyes Bleeding gums Reducing milk production Eliminate itching

Usually for a bloody nose medicine, used two pieces of fresh leaves of Piper betle, washed, rolled and then inserted into the nose Iubang.

Warning Chewing betel leaves too many vulnerable and in a long time been associated with mouth and throat cancer squamous cell carcinoma.

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Aids can be seen from the mouth

Aids is a highly contagious disease cypress and mass murderers. some of us sometimes do not know definitely secaara AIDS. Here I describe the characteristics of people infected with AIDS in the oral cavity.
AIDS is a collection of symptoms a disease characterized by destruction of the immune system so vulnerable to various infections. AIDS caused by the virus Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). Until now, there can be known with certainty from which start AIDS outbreaks. The disease AIDS is not transmitted through casual contact, but is transmitted through sexual contact, contact with infected blood HIV and through a needle or other medical equipment contaminated with HIV. Conversely AIDS can not be transmitted through insect bites, beverages, or regular contact within the family, school, swimming renanng, public toilet or workplace with AIDS patients.
Clinical symptoms of AIDS AIDS has a broad spectrum of clinical picture. In the early early symptoms are flu-like symptoms. Patients who feel tired Prolonged and without cause, lymph glands dileher, armpits, swollen groin for months and months, decreased appetite / lost continuous fever reaching 39 degrees Celsius or sweating on evenings, diarrhea, weight loss tampa reasons, black wounds on the skin or mucous membranes that are not biased ssembuh, persistent cough and in the throat, easy bruising or bleeding without cause. Symptoms the beginning is often called AIDS Related Complex (ARC). When the circumstances of this disease increases, other malignant disease develops, such as pneumonia (penumocytis carinii), thrush esophagus, cytomegalovirus or herpes, sarcoma sarcoma, tumors Malignant blood vessel.
Dirongga oral manifestations of AIDS Approximately 95% of AIDS patients have manifestations in the head area and neck as well as by Shiod and Pinborg 1987. Manifestations in the mouth often an early sign of HIV infesi
Infections due to fungi (Oral Candidiasis) Kandiasi nulut this far is a sign at the mouth of the most frequently found both in patients with AIDS or AIDS related complex (ARC) and a sign of clinical manifestations in patients with risk group tinggipada over 59% of cases. Oral thrush in AIDS patients can be seen in the form of oral thrush, acute atrophic candidiasis, chronic hyperplastic candidiasis, and stomatis angularis (Perleche).
Viral Infections Infections due to herpes virus group most often seen in AIDS patients and ARC. Virus infection in patients can be seen in the form stomatis herpetiformis, herpes zoster, hairy leukoplakia, cytomegalovirus.
Infections due to bacteria Infections with bacteria can be either HIV or HIV-necrotizing gingivitis periodontitis. a. HIV-necrotizing gingivitis HIV-necrotizing gingivitis can be found in patients with AIDS or ARC. These lesions may be hidden or sudden bleeding time accompanied brushing teeth, pain and halitosis. Necrotizing gingivitis most frequently on the anterior gingiva. On this situation, the sovereign, when interdental and gingival edge will appear red, swelling, or grayish yellow because of necrosis, often bakan ulcrerative severe necrotizing gingivitis and periodontal disease progressive despite oral hygiene and well preserved despite given antibiotics.
b. HIV periodontitis Periodontal disease may take place in a progressive is an early indicator that can be found in HIV infection. Dentist should diagnose early alveolar bone destruction process with a commitment to consider the possibility of HIV infection adnya. This is caused mainly by the fact that some patients AIDS is experiencing rapid alveolar bone destruction.
Neoplasms Kaposi's sarcoma associated with AIDS appears to be a disease a more malignant and usually has spread at the time of initial diagnosis. Approximately 40% of AIDS patients with Kaposi sarcoma died within akn approximately one year and is usually accompanied by other infections opotunistik (Eg pneumocystic carinii, fungi, viruses, bacteria). Oral manifestations sarcoma sarcoma is usually an early sign of AIDS and generally (50%) were found in the mouth of homosexual men. In addition to the mouth, sarcoma This can also be found in the skin of head and neck. Kaposi's sarcoma in the mouth usually seen first as the macula, nodules and plaques are flat or prominent, usually berbewntuk circle and red or purplish. Located on the palate and the size of only a few millimeters up to centimeter. Irregular shape, can be single or multiple and usually asintomatik, so that newly perceived by the patient if the lesion had become quite large.
Other abnormalities in the mouth These abnormalities is not known why, can arise in the form: a. Stomatis aphtosa recurrent, especially the type of major. b. Necrotic ulcer that extends to fausia. c. Xerostomia d. Parotid gland enlargement, especially the children of AIDS patients. e. Idiophatic thrombocytopenia purpura. f. Facial palsy g. Mucosal Addisonian hyperpigmentation h. Lymphadenopathy submandibula. i. Hyperpigmentation melanotik j. Healing old wounds k. Babies who are born with AIDS infection can be deformed faces.

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Cigarettes and Dental

Various posts and articles which may be difficult to review a lot about smoking and the dangers posed. but unfortunately here to review the County on the health effects of cigarette mouth and teeth. semuga helpful and always ask advice and getting the impression that this post is perfect.
why smoking is closely associated with dental health? clear and easy to be answered, because the cigarettes smoked by mouth (ga I think there are other places to smoke cigarettes ^ ^). As we can easily see a smoker's lips look darker than the lip of a non-smoker, why?
In general we know that there are cigarettes in Indonesia there are two types, cigarettes with filter and without filter (better known as clove cigarettes). Cigarettes without filters tend to more quickly change the color of teeth on a cigarette with a filter.
Now let us follow the trail of cigarette smoke why so many organs "of the body suffers. When we inhale the cigarette smoke that comes out of a cigarette into the oral cavity, a few seconds with millions of cigarette smoke substances" are chemicals in the oral cavity and affects the tissues and organs that have in the oral cavity including the teeth itself. Hot smoke that blow continuously into the oral cavity is a heat stimulus that causes changes in blood flow and reduce expenses saliva. As a result the oral cavity becomes dry and more an-aerobic (oxygen free atmosphere), thus providing a suitable environment for the growth of an-aerobic bacteria in plaque. Smokers themselves at greater risk of disease-causing bacteria infected tooth supporting tissues compared to those smokers.Gum smokers also tend to have a thickening layer of horn. This thickened area which looks more rugged than the surrounding tissue and reduced kekenyalannya. Constriction of blood vessels caused by nicotine result in reduced blood flow in the gums thus increasing the likelihood of gum disease.
Tar in tobacco smoke also increase the chances of gingivitis, gum disease is most often caused by bacterial plaque and other factors that could cause bertumpuknya plaque around the gums. Tar can be deposited on the surface of the tooth and root surface of teeth so that it becomes rude and facilitate adhesion plaques. From the different studies have been carried out plaque and tartar more formed in the oral cavity of smokers compared to nonsmokers. The disease is severe tooth supporting tissues, bone damage and tooth loss tooth backstop occurs more frequently in smokers than nonsmokers. In the treatment of dental disease patients pendukund tissue of smokers require greater care and more. Whereas in patients with non-smokers and in the same situation quite simply the standard treatment such as cleaning of plaque and tartar.
Severity of disease arising from moderate to advanced level are directly related to the number of cigarettes smoked each day how long or how many years one becomes a smoker and smoking status itself, is still smoking up to now or have been stopped. Nicotine plays a role in starting the tooth supporting tissue disease because nicotine can be absorbed by the soft tissues of the oral cavity including the gums through the bloodstream, and attachment of the gums in the tooth and root surfaces. Nicotine can be found on the surface of the tooth root and its metabolites which results can be found in the liquid kontinin gums.
Some maintenance is really recommended in patients benrhenti smokers to smoke for a while, during the treatment process. Like pemsangan patients during implant.
Can be concluded that losses incurred due to smoking habits on oral and dental health:
1. Change the color of teeth, gums and lips. 

2. Dental caries in the faster formed.  
3. Possibility of oral cancer in very large networks. 
4. Clear breath smelled of cigarettes.  
5. Changing the network "in the oral cavity that cause various negative impacts on oral health itself as a trigger terbantuknya caries.

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