Kamis, 20 Mei 2010

Want Foot Smooth ?

You lovers of short skirts? Sure to PD in miniskirts, must be supported by a pair of legs smooth and beautiful. To perform maintenance in order to get beautiful legs did not need to laboriously expensive dermatologist or beauty salon. Nurturing your home, some of the tips below can help you.
Let's start this beauty regime! 

1. Every time the shower, Rub your legs from thigh to calf by using a body brush (a special brush for the bath) to remove dead skin cells.
2. For the stains are stubborn scars, once a week do the scrubbing. Try to eliminate them with a homemade scrub potion. The trick is as follows:
* Combine sea salt (can be bought in stores or pharmacy kometik) with olive oil.
* Rub all over your leg, especially on the blackened
* Clean with warm water, using a clean towel.
3. If you do the shaving regularly, sometimes often feel sore afterwards due to minor scratches from the razor. To fix this, try using a face toner that you normally use. Then after every shave, splash of toner on your feet. And do not forget, before the toner save it in the fridge, so that the sensation of cold can be 'cool' your legs are 'hot' because of razor burn.
4. As falsifies, use a hand & body lotion. Choose which contain AHA to prevent 'in grown hair' or ingrown hair
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