Kamis, 20 Mei 2010

Nutritious crops for Dental Health

Many nutritious crops for dental health. Distinctive flavor of the cloves for example, making these plants are often exploited. Besides pimento, there are a number of other plants that have similar properties.
Cloves have antiseptica properties (antikuman), carminativa (peluruh wind), rubefaciencia (heats the skin), antispasmodica (eliminating seizures), and analgesics (starch flavor). Therefore these plants can be used to cure a toothache. In addition to menstrual pain can also, rheumatism / stiff, cold / nausea, hoarse voice (husky), and colds.
Likewise with the betel. Plants that originated in India, Sri Lanka, and Malaysia has been known since the year 600 BC. In the leaves which broad oval, elliptical melonjong, or melonjong ovate with heart-shaped base and pointed tip This short, contained the essential oil that can evaporate. Among the largest and betlephenol chavicol. Distinctive aroma from the leaves and oil it's because the content of betel chavicol earlier. This compound has a strong antiseptic power and the power to kill bacteria could be up to five times folding of ordinary phenol.
Leaves from 6 to 17.5 cm and a length of 3.5 to 10 cm width also contain allylrocatechol, cineole, caryophyllene, menthone, eugenol, and methyl ether. In fact, it contains vitamin C and alkaloids arakene the same properties with cocaine.
Several scientific papers also mention, diastase enzyme containing betel leaf, sugar, and tannin. However, young leaves contain diastase, sugar, and more volatile oil than the old, while the tannins are relatively similar.
Compounds that make the betel leaves are not yet able to reduce thrush tracked. To be sure, in some ancient books of India and Greece, as quoted Dervish SN, mentioned that the leaf is the main ingredient menginang has styptic properties (resist bleeding), vulnerary (heal skin lesions), stomachic (digestive tract drugs), strengthens teeth, and throat clearing.
Here are some other concoction reliever tooth disorders compiled from various sources: 

A. Turmeric  

Potion 1 Set up a turmeric rhizome and eucalyptus oil to taste. After Turmeric is washed out, and then peeled. Soak briefly in the oil timber white, and stick in a hollow tooth. Repeat until all ill subsided.
Potion 2 Prepare 10 grams of turmeric, lemon grass leaves and roots respectively 50 and 25 gr, salt to taste. After all the material is washed and turmeric cut into pieces, boiled with half a liter of water. Leave until the water into a glass. Drinking to three times daily.
Potion 3 Prepare the saffron 10 grams, 50 grams meniran leaf, areca nut and a half seeds, salt to taste. After all ingredients except salt washed, mashed until smooth. Do not forget the salt. Brewed with hot water as much as one glass, then strain. When it was warm, use it to gargle. Perform three times a day.
B. Coconut oil Prepare the coconut oil as much as a teaspoon. Soak a pinch of cotton in the oil, and heat over low heat for approximately 2-3 minutes. After a little warm, stick with cotton on the part of the tooth holes. 

C. Cloves  

Prepare beans as much as a handheld clove. Once roasted, mashed fine to be a powder. Then, sprinkle on a sore tooth. Perform until the pain subsided.

D. Tree Sap Cambodia  
Prepare a frangipani tree sap in moderation, can be taken from the petiole. Squirt in the hollow teeth or swollen gums. Do be careful, do not be affected teeth healthy. Please be careful, because frangipani sap can damage healthy teeth.

E. Seed Acid 

 Prepare a half-ounce tamarind seeds. Then roasted (fried without oil) until charred. Once burned, finely crushed into powder. Rub it on the tooth powder, black or yellow. Repeat until there is a change in your favor. *** (10/03 / '03 / ut3)

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