Minggu, 06 Juni 2010

Usefulness and Benefits of Green Tea

Do you know the benefits of green tea? If you do not know this article will help inform health care to you. It turned out that the efficacy of this type of tea was much too lho. And very good for the human body.
Ordinary green tea leaves are processed with steam in order EGCGnya content remains high. After that new properties can be taken with a drink it as tea.
And the benefits that can you can drink green tea are antioxidants found in tea can reduce the growth of breast cancer, bladder cancer, lung, stomach, avoiding the blockage of blood vessels, disorders of the pancreas.Besides the above, the properties that can be taken is able to burn fat, membuar relax and reduce the risk of nervous system impairment. The latter can be useful to prevent one of the causes of disease and Parkinosn Alseimer.
How as much as the benefits of roselle tea instead? And all these properties can be obtained simply by regularly drinking green tea every day.
There's even an expert who says there is no risk of drinking green tea bad. Even so for you who want to feel the benefits and efficacy of this tea but it is undergoing undergoing radiation or chemotherapy of breast cancer better consultation.
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