Consumers who choose to consume organic food often believe that they're improving their health. But there is no strong evidence that organic foods bring nutrients that affect health.
Recent research conducted to find out whether the health impact of organic food by researchers from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Health in England.
Furthermore, they found that most research is focused on long-term effects of organic consumption. Usually based on the activity of antioxidants in the body, compared to the long-term health effects. Most studies failed to find differences atara antioxidant organic and conventional diets.
Explanation study published in the American Journal of Clinic Nutrition also added the results of the discovery last year by the same research team. In this study, the researchers combined 162 articles published scientific literature in the period of 50 years.Subsequently it was found that there was no evidence that conventional and organic foods provide significant differences in their nutritional content. The researchers found only about 12 studies that found the criteria for evaluating health effects of organic food.
"The discovery of the surprising importance of this research is really limited evidence of this subject, both the quantity and quality of research," writes Dr. Alan D. Dangour and colleagues.
Dangour team record 4 of 12 srudi that they discussed was published in 2008 and 2009. But in the future, the researchers add, the study about manuisa and animals, will most likely be designed much better.
Of the 12 studies identified, six of which are short-term experiment to see whether organic foods are specifically alter the activity of antioxidants in the blood.
Experiments showed no strong evidence that organic food consumption increased the antioxidant activity, but these studies are also very limited in scope, with the number of at most 43 men and took place in a few weeks.
Six other studies, one found a link between organic food and a lower risk of allergic skin condition eczema at least to 2800 children aged under two years.
In the study, parents were interviewed several times about their child's eating pattern and duration of children suffering from eczema for two years. Researchers found that children who consume a strict organic dairy products have a lower risk of eczema compared to ordinary food consumers.
However, these studies have several limitations including the relationship between eczema on parents' behavior. In addition, this study does not allow the other side as well as the consumption of organic products associated with the risk of suffering from eczema.
Organic food is food that is made without using conventional pesticides, artificial fertilizers, antibiotics or hormones that potentially reap benefits for public health and the environment.
Review this moment, Dangour and colleagues show that did not find studies on the health benefits that might arise from the reduction Zar substance. So did not address the environmental impact of organic food production.
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