Minggu, 06 Juni 2010

Toothbrush and toothpaste

Previously I am sorry for long absence, I hope all is still maintaining healthy teeth and mouth. An odd title ^ ^ why yah gini co thoughts ngasi title after a long absence so blogging koq rada ga hehehe ungodly. Toothbrush and toothpaste are two different things but can not be separated if we want healthy teeth and mouth. So what is the appropriate brush for your teeth (do not brush lo any not already have a special brush for the teeth, better known with a toothbrush). Will be discussed one by one starting from a toothbrush and anything associated with our mouths da toothbrush. Toothbrush Toothbrush is a tool for cleaning teeth with a small brush-shaped handles. Usually added to toothpaste toothbrush before brushing your teeth. Brush teeth of many kinds, from the fur of fine to coarse, are small to large, and a variety of design handles. Most dentists recommend using a soft brush for hard brush can damage the enamel and gums hurt. There is also a toothbrushOne way to maintain healthy teeth is by brushing your teeth. With brushing, oral hygiene would be maintained, in addition to avoiding the formation of holes in teeth and tooth and gum disease. Many types and varieties of toothbrushes sold in the market, from a manual or electric. Actually, what good condition toothbrush? Most important is the hair brush and wide brush head. To be able to reach the rear teeth, the toothbrush head size that is ideal is 35-40 mm. In fact, adults should also use a toothbrush children, because of its small size will help reach the deepest parts of the teeth.
Few tips on choosing a toothbrush (hopefully can help yah)
Pick a toothbrush whose head is small enough so that it can be used successfully in the oral cavity. For an adult toothbrush head length 2.5 cm, 1.5 cm in children.
Long hair should be the same toothbrush. Brush teeth with different length bristles can not clean a flat surface without causing pressure on some hair brush.
Texture hair brush should be used to enable effective without damaging tissue. Do not choose the hard hairs can cause tissue damage. Also feared that being too soft plaque can not be perfectly clean. Best toothbrush with medium stiffness brush hairs.
Handle of the brush should be wide and thick enough to be able to hold strong and well controlled.
For a good way of brushing your teeth and correct my post so please see ya (I purposely did not explain here because there are still many that need to be elaborated Myspace let ga bored ^ ^)
Toothpaste or toothpaste Toothpaste is a kind of paste used to clean teeth, usually with a toothbrush. In Indonesia, toothpaste is often also called the toothpaste, which is one brand of toothpaste. Although this brand was decades is no longer sold in Indonesia, the name of the toothpaste has become a generic name.
Sidikit tips on choosing toothpaste or toothpaste is good: 1. Choose a toothpaste that contains enough fluoride. Fluoride works to keep the teeth to avoid potholes. However, children under 3 years old should not use toothpaste. Because, too much fluoride actually does not look good and make the teeth more brittle.
2. Choose a toothpaste that does not foam too much. Foam that too many shows that the detergent in it too much. Opinion that the more foam the better, of course not true.
3. Avoid brushing teeth immediately after eating. The reason, acid concentration fluoride mouth will drop and even disappear, so the germs will go again. Eating should be 1-2 hours after brushing teeth.
4. To maintain the condition of your teeth, every six months, children should be brought to the dentist to be topical fluoride (dental coating). Especially for children who are lazy to brush my teeth.
Perhaps many are still confused ni mo before writing anything else if there are any questions please comments, suggestions and criticism I received was always happy.
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