Rabu, 05 Januari 2011

Don't Drink The Water (Yet) - System Coming Back On Line

The Institute of Aqueducts and Sewage Systems (Idaan) reported that as of noon today, Tuesday January 4, they expect water service will start reaching the higher elevations of Panama City, as reported by the spokesperson of the organization, Thabany Beitía. This, after the four feeders of the water treatment plant in Chilibre stopped working yesterday morning, Monday 3 January. With this failure, more than one million people residing in the districts of Panama and San Miguelito were without water service. Beitía warned the population that the first water coming out of the taps will not be suitable for human consumption because it will contain a lot of sediment from the pipes. "Do not consume [the water]," said Beitía in an interview with channel 13 Telemetro, adding that the Idaan will announce when the water can be ingested normally. Meanwhile, Beitía said they would be attending reports from the public received through their 311 telephone line on the lack of water in their communities. They said these areas would be supplied using water tanker trucks. (La Prensa)

Editor's Comment: In the press conference last night the director of the IDAAN blamed the high levels of turbidity in the source water for the failure of the "dosifiers." These are apparently the things that measure out certain specific quantities of chlorine (or maybe something else) as part of the water purification process, and that's what failed. In the press conference he explained how they are now scrambling to get replacement parts from the United States, and how they were working to make modifications to their system in order to be able to use a "dosifier" from the Miraflores Water Treatment Plant. They had a real "deer in the headlights" look to them at the press conference yesterday, which is what happens when there are a million people in Panama City without water.

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