Sabtu, 22 Januari 2011

Miracles of the Prophet Moses

Remember friends with the story of miracles that Moses split the red sea with the wand? If one of the friends who think the story is only a mere fable, now let us refer to writing that I describe below.

An archaeologist named Ron Wyatt by the end 1988 the past claimed that he had found several corpses of ancient chariot wheels red towing. According to him, maybe this is a chariot dead sea drowned Pharaoh that they will now be used to pursue Moses along with his followers.

According to his testimony, in addition to finding several dead horse chariot wheels, Wyatt with his crew also found some human bones and horse bones in the same place.

These findings certainly reinforced the notion that sisa2 bones that are part of the framework of the armies of Pharaoh who drowned in the Red Sea. Moreover, the results of tests performed at Stockholm University on a few remaining bones have been found, is true that the structure and content of a few bones have been aged about 3500 years ago, where according to history, events that also occur in the pursuit of the same period.

axle of one of the carriage horses

In addition, there is an interesting object that is also found, ie one wheel axle of the carriage which now has been entirely covered by rocks, so for now its original form is very difficult to be seen clearly. Perhaps God's purpose to protect this thing to show us all that the miracle that was sent down to His Nabi2 is a real thing and not a mere essay story. Among the dead was a train, also found a wheel with 4 pieces made of gold bars. Apparently, this is the rest of the carriage wheels are ridden by Pharaoh the king.

Now let us look at the picture above, circled in the map (red circle), according to experts and there about the location where the prophet Moses with his people crossing the Red Sea. The location of the crossing is estimated to be in the Gulf of Aqaba at Nuweiba. The maximum depth waters in the vicinity of the crossing location is 800 meters on the side toward Egypt and 900 meters on the side toward the Arabs. Meanwhile in the north and south sides of the crossing trajectory (red line), its depth reaches 1500 meters. The slope towards the sea from the Gulf of Aqaba Nuweiba approximately 1 / 14 or 4 degrees, while that from Nuweiba to the Gulf Arab land approximately 1 / 10 or 6 degrees

It is estimated that the distance between Nuweiba to Arabic around 1800 meter.Lebar trajectory split the Red Sea which is estimated to 900 meters. Can we imagine how the force required to split water to the sea to have a track width distance 900 meters with a depth of 1800 meters in waters that rata2 reach hundreds of meters for a long time, given the followers of Prophet Moses, who according to history of thousands? (According to other posts is expected to reach 7 km away, with the number of followers of the prophet Moses, about 600,000 people and the time taken to cross about 4 hours).

According to one calculation, the estimated required pressure (force per unit area) amounted to 2.8 million Newton/m2 or equal to the pressure that we receive in the sea If you dive to a depth of 280 meters. If we associate with wind speed, according to some calculations, at least needed gusts of wind with constant velocity of 30 meters / second (108 km / h) throughout the night to be able to divide and maintain parts of sea water for a period of 4 hours! was incredible, God is great.

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