Minggu, 06 Juni 2010

Usefulness and Benefits of Green Tea

Do you know the benefits of green tea? If you do not know this article will help inform health care to you. It turned out that the efficacy of this type of tea was much too lho. And very good for the human body.
Ordinary green tea leaves are processed with steam in order EGCGnya content remains high. After that new properties can be taken with a drink it as tea.
And the benefits that can you can drink green tea are antioxidants found in tea can reduce the growth of breast cancer, bladder cancer, lung, stomach, avoiding the blockage of blood vessels, disorders of the pancreas.Besides the above, the properties that can be taken is able to burn fat, membuar relax and reduce the risk of nervous system impairment. The latter can be useful to prevent one of the causes of disease and Parkinosn Alseimer.
How as much as the benefits of roselle tea instead? And all these properties can be obtained simply by regularly drinking green tea every day.
There's even an expert who says there is no risk of drinking green tea bad. Even so for you who want to feel the benefits and efficacy of this tea but it is undergoing undergoing radiation or chemotherapy of breast cancer better consultation.

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treat the face with a carrot

Carrots can be used to smooth the face.
An easy way:
Ingredients: 1-2 large carrots plus 2 tablespoons of honey.

1. cooked carrots,

2. crushed until soft.

  3. mixed with honey.

4. dab on the skin.

5. let stand for 10 minutes.

6. rinse with water

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Disease peering behind Hair Loss

Hair loss is one problem that can affect the appearance of self-esteem, stress and depression trigger. Lots of hair loss resulting from the coloring and styling for many years.
However, other than the one caused by hair care and natural aging, hair condition also shows the health condition of the body. The disease often causes hair to be dull, damaged and fall.
There are several diseases which affect the thickness of hair as published in the Daily Mail. To find out more details, consult your doctor immediately. 1. Anemia
The body needs iron to produce red blood cells which carry oxygen around the body. Iron deficiency causes anemia, so the less oxygen carried to the scalp. As a result, hair follicles lack of oxygen, and gradually lead to hair loss. Hair that grows on anemia patients are usually more thin that the scalp shows.
Other symptoms of anemia include pale skin, lethargy and fatigue. Iron supplements can help. Vitamin C deficiency, consumption of caffeine and alcohol can also inhibit iron absorption. In order for hair to grow naturally thick, it is recommended to drink a glass of orange juice every day as well as reducing caffeine and alcohol consumption.
2. Eating Disorders pattern
Eating disorders affect the hair growth cycle due to reduced food intake, which makes the blood flow to the scalp to slow down. As a result, dull and thinning hair. Weight loss drastically restricting calorie intake or low weight to allow hair to be thin and dull.
To improve the health of the hair and prevent hair loss, should eat a balanced diet with plenty of protein intake. Hair is made of protein and are strongly encouraged to eat protein at breakfast. Because at this time, the protein in the hair menncapai lowest level. In addition, make sure the diet is rich in vitamins, especially B complex, zinc and essential fatty acids.
3. Polycystic ovary syndrome
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) in women due to excess male hormones that trigger hair thinning at the front and top of the head. This applies in PCOS patients with genetic baldness in the family.
The same conditions lead to increased hair growth on face and body. Drugs to reduce male hormones will help hair growth. Massage the head to increase blood flow helps thicken the hair.
4. Tonsil
The first sign of thyroid disorder can include hair loss. Thyroid hormones are too much or too little in the body affects the metabolism and growth cycle of hair. Medicine and massage can help reduce hair loss.
5. Stress
Stress causes gray hair faster. Hormones released during stress affect the body's absorption of vitamin B required for the pigmentation. Stress also causes alopecia which attacks the immune system. Alopecia will be eroded lump of hair on the head causing a small baldness.
Besides dealing with the causes of stress, a B-complex supplement mengasup help overcome the problem of premature gray hair. The alopecia can be treated with a variety of ways, including steroids or UV light therapy. However, in some cases, hair will grow naturally.

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Beware, Fruits & Vegetables can trigger Mental Disorders

New research shows that exposure to pesticides used on foods kids like fresh strawberries, celery can increase the risk of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in children.
As quoted from the pages Modernmom.com, scientists in the U.S. and Canada found that children with high levels of pesticide residues within their urine, susceptible to ADHD.
ADHD is a developmental disorder in improving children's motor activity. This disturbance resulted in mental problems such as how to think, act and feel. Children who experienced it will have problems with concentration and centralization of the mind. Like trigger hyperactive child.

Children with higher levels of average, one marker of pesticides have twice the risk of undiagnosed ADHD. "I think it is quite significant, doubling is a powerful effect," says Maryse F Bouchard, a researcher at the University of Montreal in Quebec and the main author of the study published in the journal Pediatrics.
So what should parents do to prevent ADHD in children? "I recommend that parents give more kids organic food," said Bouchard. "I will also recommend washing fruits and vegetables as much as possible."
According to the study of the National Academy of Sciences in 2008, 28 percent sample of frozen blueberries, 25 percent of the samples of fresh strawberries, celery and 19 percent of the samples contained pesticide residues. Exposure to pesticides, mostly from fruits and vegetables fresh.

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benefits of papaya

Papaya appears to have myriad benefits for the body. Do not misunderstand me taste bitterness behind it save that so many properties. And what are they? We know that papaya is also good for the body, but also leaves should not be underestimated.
Here are some of the benefits of papaya that you shall know:
1. As an acne medicine. For those who do not feel confident you have facial acne. Especially for women who always pays attention to beauty. Papaya leaves can cure that is by making him a mask.
How to create a mask: take 2-3 pieces of papaya that has been tua.Kemudian sunbathe and mashed until smooth. Setenagh Add one tablespoon of water, just deh may be beneficial for full face jerawatmu.
2. Streamlining Benefits digestion The leaves of the papaya plants contain chemical compounds karpain. Substances that can kill microorganisms that often interfere with the digestive function.

3. Adding appetite These benefits are especially for children who are difficult to eat. Take a fresh papaya and has the size of the palm of the hand. If you have found a little salt and add half a cup of warm water. Mix all and then blend. Then strain the water, well water that can be utilized to enhance the appetite.
4. Scarlet fever Who would have thought if the papaya is also able to cure dengue fever. Try to collect 5 leaves. Add half a liter of water and then boiled. Take water if it had been left alone tiperempatnya. Star itself has never prove it, so if the situation does not improve immediately rushed to the doctor (even if memabaik immediately take it to the doctor). Let's just say this for first aid!
5. Menstrual pain Ancient Javanese women often use papaya to treat menstrual pain. Take a sheet of sufficient leaf, add java acid and salt. Then mix with a glass of water and boil. Let it cool before drinking the concoction of papaya.
6.Anti cancer It is still uncertain, but from some research that the benefits of papaya leaves can also be developed as an anti-cancer. Actually, not only just but the stem of papaya leaves can also be used. Because kedanya has milky latex (milky white sap).

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Toothbrush and toothpaste

Previously I am sorry for long absence, I hope all is still maintaining healthy teeth and mouth. An odd title ^ ^ why yah gini co thoughts ngasi title after a long absence so blogging koq rada ga hehehe ungodly. Toothbrush and toothpaste are two different things but can not be separated if we want healthy teeth and mouth. So what is the appropriate brush for your teeth (do not brush lo any not already have a special brush for the teeth, better known with a toothbrush). Will be discussed one by one starting from a toothbrush and anything associated with our mouths da toothbrush. Toothbrush Toothbrush is a tool for cleaning teeth with a small brush-shaped handles. Usually added to toothpaste toothbrush before brushing your teeth. Brush teeth of many kinds, from the fur of fine to coarse, are small to large, and a variety of design handles. Most dentists recommend using a soft brush for hard brush can damage the enamel and gums hurt. There is also a toothbrushOne way to maintain healthy teeth is by brushing your teeth. With brushing, oral hygiene would be maintained, in addition to avoiding the formation of holes in teeth and tooth and gum disease. Many types and varieties of toothbrushes sold in the market, from a manual or electric. Actually, what good condition toothbrush? Most important is the hair brush and wide brush head. To be able to reach the rear teeth, the toothbrush head size that is ideal is 35-40 mm. In fact, adults should also use a toothbrush children, because of its small size will help reach the deepest parts of the teeth.
Few tips on choosing a toothbrush (hopefully can help yah)
Pick a toothbrush whose head is small enough so that it can be used successfully in the oral cavity. For an adult toothbrush head length 2.5 cm, 1.5 cm in children.
Long hair should be the same toothbrush. Brush teeth with different length bristles can not clean a flat surface without causing pressure on some hair brush.
Texture hair brush should be used to enable effective without damaging tissue. Do not choose the hard hairs can cause tissue damage. Also feared that being too soft plaque can not be perfectly clean. Best toothbrush with medium stiffness brush hairs.
Handle of the brush should be wide and thick enough to be able to hold strong and well controlled.
For a good way of brushing your teeth and correct my post so please see ya (I purposely did not explain here because there are still many that need to be elaborated Myspace let ga bored ^ ^)
Toothpaste or toothpaste Toothpaste is a kind of paste used to clean teeth, usually with a toothbrush. In Indonesia, toothpaste is often also called the toothpaste, which is one brand of toothpaste. Although this brand was decades is no longer sold in Indonesia, the name of the toothpaste has become a generic name.
Sidikit tips on choosing toothpaste or toothpaste is good: 1. Choose a toothpaste that contains enough fluoride. Fluoride works to keep the teeth to avoid potholes. However, children under 3 years old should not use toothpaste. Because, too much fluoride actually does not look good and make the teeth more brittle.
2. Choose a toothpaste that does not foam too much. Foam that too many shows that the detergent in it too much. Opinion that the more foam the better, of course not true.
3. Avoid brushing teeth immediately after eating. The reason, acid concentration fluoride mouth will drop and even disappear, so the germs will go again. Eating should be 1-2 hours after brushing teeth.
4. To maintain the condition of your teeth, every six months, children should be brought to the dentist to be topical fluoride (dental coating). Especially for children who are lazy to brush my teeth.
Perhaps many are still confused ni mo before writing anything else if there are any questions please comments, suggestions and criticism I received was always happy.

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Any Person 10% Suffer Kidney Risk, and Calcium Reduce Salt Consumption

Pattern of living and an unbalanced diet has led to many risks. Various diseases emerged, including kidney disease. Lately, the kidney disease in which there is renal failure or kidney stones more easily found. Even the number of sufferers continues to rise.

What is kidney failure and kidney stones?

Kidney Transplant Coordinator in Instalation Kidney Disease and Hypertension (PDGH) RS PGI Cikini Sukadis Dr Indrawati said in the body there is a pair of kidneys that position on the right and left. Both had 100% kidney function, remove toxic substances from burning the body. Surely that is the result of burning bodies dumped useless. Furthermore, kidneys reabsorb substances that are useful to the body.

"If the kidney function is still above 15%, usually the patient does not feel anything. Therefore, in principle, with only 25% of kidney function, people can still live a normal life," said Indrawati.

But, he added, when kidney function has declined below 15%, then someone called kidney disease.

Consequently, it is clear Indrawati, the body can no longer meet the everyday needs to remove toxic substances that are grounds for the body. Conversely, because the substance was not removed properly pulp, then the body was poisoned.

Furthermore, Indrawati of the kidneys as well as describing the machine that dispose of waste waster useless through the sewer. Similarly, toxic substances should be expelled through the urine (urine). However, when the appliance waste waster or kidney damage, then these substances should be disposed of remains in the blood.

Indrawati said the experience with renal patients if a person is reduced kidney function, it will have certain symptoms. "He's no appetite, mouth odor of urine, nausea, vomiting, dizziness accompanied by a firefly, headache, and sometimes even seizures can occur, shortness, cough with phlegm frothy sometimes even blood, urine limp limp and little or no Nothing at all, "he explained.

Causes of kidney stones

In addition to renal failure, kidney stones are also increasingly common in recent years. The disease is also often called a rock, bladder stones, and many other terms. According to experts, the cause of the pattern kidney stones is caused by eating the wrong foods.

When kidney stones present in the organs of the body, then people will feel how tortured. He will feel the pain that is annoying. "I want to urinate. When they reached the bathroom, my urine does not exit. That was no pain," was the word that is often expressed kidney stone sufferers.

However, if you look historically, people with kidney stones have been discovered thousands of years ago. It was evident from the findings of researchers. Impressions of kidney stones found in the 7000-year-old dibalsam mummies in Egypt.

Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, United States, once said people with kidney stones to reach millions of people every year. This figure continues to roll like a snowball. Even research that says every person has the risk of kidney stones by 10%.

Some people just know if he has a kidney stone when you urinate. Usually people with little surprised because the waste water does not pass, and the resulting pain. Indrawati said the kidney stone that starts with the water clog the urine and usually occur infection.

Other symptoms that often arises is abdominal pain that lasts between five to 15 minutes. Pain began to be felt on the back and waist. The pain will get worse in the crotch when the stone moves into the urine bag. If the stone is not moving, the pain stopped.

Indrawati explain the early symptoms of kidney stones marked a few changes. Water is usually cloudy and smelly urine color of urine, even with blood. Other symptoms are nausea and vomiting, to urinate repeatedly and even if a blockage has occurred fever infection.

According Indrawati, a kidney stone itself is divided into four, namely calcium stones, uric acid stones, struvite stones and cystine stones. Calcium stones are suffered by most people. These stones are the result of a combination of calcium and oxalate which occurs if the content is too much substance in the urine. Not only that, the excess vitamin D is also fishing too much calcium absorption.

Uric acid stones (uric acid) renal stones are formed from uric acid which is a byproduct of protein metabolism. People who avoid eating fish can lead to excess amount of uric acid in urine.

Struvite stones are found in women. Usually this type of stone incidence due to chronic urinary tract infections caused by bacteria. If the stone is large, then the risk is serious damage to the kidneys. While cystine stones are kidney stones of at least the amount. This is usually more genetic factors that cause the kidneys have excessive amount of amino acids.


One cause is the excess of calcium kidney stones. For that reduce the intake of calcium. Foods that contain high calcium are salmon, sardines, cheese, milk, ice cream, and vegetable sprouts. Foods that contain more than 100 mg per serving. While spinach, dried fish, chocolate-containing foods belong calcium medium.

Foods containing purine great influence on the formation of kidney stones. While the source of uric acid can be from within the body's own (endogenous) and from foods such as meat, seafood, wheat, melinjo the form of crackers or vegetables and starchy.

In addition, it is clear Indrawati, animal protein has a major influence kidney stone formation. Because, the protein can stimulate the increase of calcium and uric acid in urine. Further lowering the pH (acidity level) and disposal of urine citrate.

In addition to reducing calcium, kidney patients are also advised to reduce salt intake, because every increase of 100 mg of salt in the diet can increase 25-30 mg of calcium in the urine.

"Another thing that is highly recommended drink water at least 2 liters of water every day. Generally required at least 2-3 liters of drinking. Based on the observations of doctors, generally, or 35% of kidney stone patients drank less than one liter of water per day. All beverages except milk is recommended , tea that can cause the excretion of high oskalat. White Water is highly recommended to be drunk, "he explained.

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Jumat, 04 Juni 2010

Fat Causes Unexpected

The excess calories are not the only cause of weight loss continues to grow. There are many other unexpected factors that make the target weight gain proportionately more difficult to achieve.
1. Sleep Deprivation Two things relating to sleep and obesity. First, the more often you stay up the more likely you are snacking at night which results in extra calories diasup. The second thing is related to chemicals in the body. When we stayed up late, the hormone that triggers appetite will be issued, as a result we will feel hungry when I wake up. This hormone also makes stomach never feels full. 

2.Stres When we whipped the various problems and the bustle, the body will adapt to how to get the hormones cortisol or stress hormones. This hormone can increase appetite, so it's no wonder when the time deadline or are under stress, we will mengasup more food.
3. Drug antidepressant drugs is one type of drug that can promote weight loss, especially when taken long term. Other drugs that need to watch out for is a cure for mental disorders, hypertension medications, migraine medications, and diabetes.
4. When hyperthyroid thyroid gland (located around the neck, shaped like a butterfly) are not able to produce enough thyroid hormone, we will feel the symptoms of tiredness, lethargy, and weight gain. When the body's deficiency of thyroid, the metabolism will slow so that the body converts into fat.
5. Hobbies sweet drinks Though still debated by experts, in fact, cases of obesity in America continues to increase along with the popularity of sweet drinks in containers. Besides the sweet taste and excessive calories, sugar does not provide any benefit. Therefore, limit the consumption of sweet drinks, including soft and study of water consumed each day.


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Men 70 Years It's Fasting Drinking No Eating

Believe it or not! An Indian man who was 82 years old admitted to not eating and drinking for 70 years. Prahlad Jani ability to survive without food and beverage draw attention to examine the Indian military.

Prahlad Jani is now located in a hospital isolation room in Ahmedabad, Gurjarat and monitored closely by team doctors. Jani was already in hospital for six days without eating and drinking, and the results of the examination no signs of experiencing hunger and dehydration Jani

Prahlad Jani spent two weeks in a hospital in western India's Gujarat region under continuous supervision of a team consisting of 30 medical personnel are equipped with cameras and television circuits.

During that period, he did not eat or drink and not go to the toilet.

"We still do not know how he survived," said Sudhir Shah neurologists. "There is still a mystery what this phenomenon actually happening."
Hermit yoga long hair and beards are confined in a hospital in the city of Ahmedabad in a study initiated by the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) of India, the military research institutes and national defense.

DRDO hopes the findings generated can be greater detail in the next few months and helped the soldiers to survive without food and beverage at all, or help an astronaut or even rescue people caught in natural disasters.

"Jani only contact with the liquid during the rinse and bath periodically during the study period," said G. Ilavazaghan, Director of Defence Institute of Physiology Allied Sciences (DIPAS) India.

After research, Jani returned to his village near Ambaji north Gujarat where he would continue the routine of yoga and meditation. She said it was blessed by God at an early age, which gave him special power.

During the observation period of 15 days, the doctors took a scan of the various organs of the body Jani, namely the brain, blood tissue, as well as to the heart, lungs and memory capacity.

"The results are collected in a safe trend during the observation period," Shah said in a press conference.

Other results of DNA analysis, molecular biology studies and tests of hormones, enzymes, energy metabolism and gene will take many months to be completed.

"If Jani does not get energy from food and drink, he must obtain energy from various sources around the sun could be one of them," added Shah.

"As medical practitioners we can not shut its eyes to all possibilities for a variety of energy sources that may be in addition to calories," lid Shah.

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Appreciating Yourself with Masturbation

However, in Western countries, the notion that masturbation disadvantage has long ignored. Dodson Betty, sex educators and teachers from the United States masturbate, argue that masturbation represents the core of the behavior and sexual image of ourselves. "Masturbation is the first form of sexual expression," said Dodson's book Sex for One: The Joy of Selfloving. "Masturbation can make you independent for life," he added.

According to him, masturbation is the way for us to learn themselves about sexual response. Skills learned this is called sexual skills. Like the others, the sexual skills that must be learned and done to be enjoyed.

"This is an opportunity for physical and we find our reasoning for all the sexual secrets that we hide from ourselves. Is there a better way to enjoy the sexual creativity than with masturbation? With masturbation, we feel a sense of escape because it does not need to meet satisfactory standards or couples to enjoy sex or fear of being criticized, and rejected, "said Dodson.

Dodson is not alone in their opinions about masturbation important role in human life. According to experts, many of us began to find sex since childhood through masturbation. Children under five have started to examine their genitals.

"Parents would be wise to deal with. When they banned just like that, when the child's adolescence and adulthood will have difficulty with sexual functioning because they felt 'dirty' with yourself. If that happened, how she can enjoy sex with their spouse when married someday, "said Lianny Hendranata, author of Sexuality Magic Keys to Happiness.

Feelings of "dirty" with yourself that can affect self-image and how to look to ourselves. Either we can hate with ourselves. As Nancy Friday disclosed in his book The Power of Beauty, hate myself cause negative behavior toward their own genitals. In fact, our opinions about the pubic that is central about the overall picture of ourselves.

Poor view of ourselves that will prompt others to look bad as well. "By not aware of our self-image cameras that store images that are bad for visits between our thighs and our two shy look at the mirror. Ugly sight on the genitals that is projected onto other body parts, like nose, leg, and all of them. Self-correction that ensued expressed dissatisfaction with ourselves, "explained Lianny.

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Kamis, 03 Juni 2010

No effect for Organic Foods Health

Consumers who choose to consume organic food often believe that they're improving their health. But there is no strong evidence that organic foods bring nutrients that affect health.
Recent research conducted to find out whether the health impact of organic food by researchers from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Health in England.
Furthermore, they found that most research is focused on long-term effects of organic consumption. Usually based on the activity of antioxidants in the body, compared to the long-term health effects. Most studies failed to find differences atara antioxidant organic and conventional diets.
Explanation study published in the American Journal of Clinic Nutrition also added the results of the discovery last year by the same research team. In this study, the researchers combined 162 articles published scientific literature in the period of 50 years.Subsequently it was found that there was no evidence that conventional and organic foods provide significant differences in their nutritional content. The researchers found only about 12 studies that found the criteria for evaluating health effects of organic food.
"The discovery of the surprising importance of this research is really limited evidence of this subject, both the quantity and quality of research," writes Dr. Alan D. Dangour and colleagues.
Dangour team record 4 of 12 srudi that they discussed was published in 2008 and 2009. But in the future, the researchers add, the study about manuisa and animals, will most likely be designed much better.
Of the 12 studies identified, six of which are short-term experiment to see whether organic foods are specifically alter the activity of antioxidants in the blood.
Experiments showed no strong evidence that organic food consumption increased the antioxidant activity, but these studies are also very limited in scope, with the number of at most 43 men and took place in a few weeks.
Six other studies, one found a link between organic food and a lower risk of allergic skin condition eczema at least to 2800 children aged under two years.
In the study, parents were interviewed several times about their child's eating pattern and duration of children suffering from eczema for two years. Researchers found that children who consume a strict organic dairy products have a lower risk of eczema compared to ordinary food consumers.
However, these studies have several limitations including the relationship between eczema on parents' behavior. In addition, this study does not allow the other side as well as the consumption of organic products associated with the risk of suffering from eczema.
Organic food is food that is made without using conventional pesticides, artificial fertilizers, antibiotics or hormones that potentially reap benefits for public health and the environment.
Review this moment, Dangour and colleagues show that did not find studies on the health benefits that might arise from the reduction Zar substance. So did not address the environmental impact of organic food production.

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Rabu, 26 Mei 2010

In order for Body Immune Virus

Immunisation is usually synonymous with children under age five years (toddlers). However, it does not mean immunization does not apply to adults. In fact, immunization of adults is not as important as immunization in children.
It seems like children, adults also need immunizations. "This is to stimulate the body's resistance against certain infections," said Sukamto Koesnoe, Internal Medicine Specialist Doctors Allergy Immunology from Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM). Sukamto said, many adults are now susceptible exposed to viruses and bacteria that can cause disease. The trigger could be due to the crowded bustle plus an unhealthy lifestyle.
Now, to prevent these diseases, even adults need to do immunizations. Hence, many developed countries to make immunization for adults as a routine program in health.
United States, for example, this year launched a 60 percent influenza vaccination in adults. Meanwhile, South Korea to provide 10 million influenza vaccine every year. In fact, 90 percent of medical officers there have been injected with the vaccine. In Australia, this activity has also been a government program. So also in several other states, like New Zealand, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore.
In Indonesia, the importance of immunizations for adults has not been popular. "Because it was new," said Sukamto. Understandably, in Indonesia, a new immunization for adults was introduced in the 2000s. Because they are new, medical suppliers for adult immunization is still lacking.
In addition, not all hospitals can provide this service. "We can provide service only certain hospitals in big cities," said Sukamto.
In addition, the cost of adult immunizations are also considered expensive, can reach millions of rupiah, depending on the type of vaccine. It's known, adult immunization did not get government subsidies, such as immunization in children.
Naturally, many adults are lazy to do immunizations. In addition, socialization is still minimal. Many people are also less aware that childhood immunization does not guarantee permanent immunity into adulthood. "In fact, vaccines work decreases as you age," said Sukamto. Therefore, immunization should be repeated as an adult.
In the medical world, immunization re-referred to as booster. Through the booster was reminded again of the body against germs such. "Immunization is an effective primary prevention," said Sukamto.
Although effective does not mean adults who have been immunized will not be sick. However, secured his endurance is stronger than who are not immunized.
Keep in mind, everyone does have an immune system or the innate immune system. However, less healthy lifestyles can weaken the immune system. That's when the body easily attacked by the disease.
According Asrul Hasral, Internal Medicine Specialist Doctors Dharmais Cancer Hospital, immunizations for adults is extremely important. Section, different types of diseases suffered by young children.
Adult immunizations can be given to those aged over 12 years. Kind, including influenza immunization, pneumococcal, measles, mumps, rubella or (MMR), Lifter, pertussis, tetanus (DPT), DT difter immunization, and tetanus (DT).
These vaccines can be given repeatedly, between 3 and 10 years. However, there are also vaccines that do not have to be repeated as an adult. For example, hepatitis A and B vaccine be conducted once in a lifetime.

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Kamis, 20 Mei 2010

Practical Ways Dandruff Control

Dandruff hair was annoying because apart from making hair look dull and dirty too often makes a person is so insecure. Dandruff is easy to bother eradicated but that does not mean you can not have hair free of dandruff. Here are his tips.
1. As much as possible is recommended for you to wash it every day. By washing your hair every day will prevent the accumulation of dead skin cells on the scalp.
2. Finished washing my hair when the hair with cold water instead of warm water. Rinse with cold water closes the pores of the scalp and makes hair cuticle closed so as to become slippery. This will facilitate the heads of dead skin cells to shed and was not trapped in the scalp.
3. You may use anti-dandruff shampoo, but snacks with regular shampoo, so you avoid a buildup of chemicals that tend to that available on anti-dandruff shampoo, where these substances can cause hair becomes dry and dull.
4. Use a vinegar solution. Vinegar will neutralize the acid content of the PH levels in the scalp. Also, the acid content of vinegar will kill the microorganisms cause of dandruff. Also if your dandruff is caused by bath water is too cold mineral content is able to neutralize the vinegar.
Here's how to make vinegar solution Dissolve one part vinegar to eight parts water. Place this solution in a spray bottle and spray all parts of the head after you rinse with shampoo. This solution should not be rinsed again with water. Dry hair as usual. Use as needed, and it is recommended to not use more than once a week

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The benefits of red tea from the flowers of roselle

There are many benefits that can be obtained from the red rosella flowers. Usually the presentation is often done is dried and brewed into a cup of tea. It felt himself a little sour-sour.
Rosella flower itself contains 260-280 mg of vitamin C, vitamin D, B1 and B2 in each 100 gram. Roselle tea itself contains calcium which is so high around 486 mg / 100 gr. It also contains Magnesium, Omega 3, Vitamin A, Iron, Potassium, Beta Caroteen & Acid Essential. See its contents alone was seen as a big benefit to be gained.

I used to own a little lazy roselle tea. More like coffee. But after the family much to drink. Finally I looked for information about the properties of red roselle. The following information and benefit from this interest:
* The first benefit is to increase stamina and endurance* Interest is the detoxification of roselle (neutralize poison)* Lowers blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol, uric acid and body

* With roselle tea drinking can also overcome cough, canker sores and sore throat.* Able to reduce migrane headache. 
* Red Rosella can smooth the skin and reduce keriputan.* Make a slender body being able to lose weight. It would have been useful to you ladies. And enough of this tea alone.* Especially for children because of roselle flowers contain OMEGA3, it can spur the growth of DHA.* Incredibly red rosella flowers can also help the addict. Eg smokers could reduce the negative impact of nicotine. Or beneficial to reduce dependence on drugs* And many more other benefits can be gained from this red tea.
In countries with a drink of roselle flowers Sudanese nationality. And many countries that masyaraktnya already feel the benefits of good red roselle were made into tea or other beverages.

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Want Foot Smooth ?

You lovers of short skirts? Sure to PD in miniskirts, must be supported by a pair of legs smooth and beautiful. To perform maintenance in order to get beautiful legs did not need to laboriously expensive dermatologist or beauty salon. Nurturing your home, some of the tips below can help you.
Let's start this beauty regime! 

1. Every time the shower, Rub your legs from thigh to calf by using a body brush (a special brush for the bath) to remove dead skin cells.
2. For the stains are stubborn scars, once a week do the scrubbing. Try to eliminate them with a homemade scrub potion. The trick is as follows:
* Combine sea salt (can be bought in stores or pharmacy kometik) with olive oil.
* Rub all over your leg, especially on the blackened
* Clean with warm water, using a clean towel.
3. If you do the shaving regularly, sometimes often feel sore afterwards due to minor scratches from the razor. To fix this, try using a face toner that you normally use. Then after every shave, splash of toner on your feet. And do not forget, before the toner save it in the fridge, so that the sensation of cold can be 'cool' your legs are 'hot' because of razor burn.
4. As falsifies, use a hand & body lotion. Choose which contain AHA to prevent 'in grown hair' or ingrown hair

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